SEO Service

Maximize your online impact with Technocomet Solutions SEO Service. Our strategies boost visibility, drive organic traffic, and make your business shine in the digital world.
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What is the SEO?

SEO stands for “Search engine optimization”.

In simple terms, it means the process of improving your site to increase its visibility when people search for products or services related to your business in Google, Bing, and other search engines.
The difference between SEO and paid advertising is that SEO involves “organic” ranking, which means you don’t pay to be in that space.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) means taking a piece of online content and optimizing it so search engines like Google show it towards the top of the page when someone searches for something.
A good SEO strategy is essential for improving the quality and quantity of traffic to your website.
Search engines such as Google and Bing use bots to crawl pages on the web, going from site to site, collecting information about those pages and putting them in an index.

How do search engines work?

Search engines have main 3 functions as follows
SEO Service
1. Crawling
Crawling is the process in which search engines send robots (known as crawlers or spiders) to find new and updated content. Content could be a webpage, an image, a video, a PDF, etc. This content is discovered by links.
The robot starts out by fetching a few web pages and then finding other links on those web pages to find new URLs. Also, Robots crawl pages that are submitted to the search engine by site owners.
Crawling is the process by which search engines discover update new sites or pages, changes to existing sites, and dead links. Search Engine follows an algorithmic process to determine which sites to crawl and how often.
2. Indexing
Indexing is the process, which organizes information before a search to respond to queries. The Search Engines store and organize content with the crawling process. They stored extracted content. The information is then organized and interpreted by the search engine’s algorithm to measure similar pages.
After crawling a page, the search engine analyzes the page’s content. If the content is found to be valuable, comparative, and competitive, then the search engine will add the page to the indexing. If Some results will be given more weight, so they will show up before other pages on the results page.
When a user searches for a query, the search engine will find documents that include the search query. The results are returned from the index with a title, short content highlight, a picture, and a reference to the page URL.
When you create a new page on your site, then there are many way for indexing.Once a page is in the index then it display content as a result to relevant queries or search.
3. Ranking
When a user searches for a query, search engines get their index for highly relevant content and then orders that content in the hopes of solving the user’s query. This ordering of search results by relevance is known as ranking.
Once a keyword is entered into a search box, search engines will check for pages within their index that are a closest match. A score will be assigned to these pages based on an algorithm consisting of hundreds of different ranking signals.
It’s important to make sure search engines can crawl and index your site correctly. Otherwise they will be unable to appropriately rank your website’s content in search results.

Types of SEO

if you want to get as much traffic to your site as you can, you’re going to need more than just one kind of optimization.
SEO is both the art and the practice of convincing search engines to recommend your content to their users as the best, most authoritative, and most comprehensive solution to their problem.

SEO is both the art and the practice of convincing search engines to recommend your content to their users as the best, most authoritative, and most comprehensive solution to their problem.

1. On-page SEO

On-page optimization includes all of the things that your readers will see when they visit your website. Effective on-page SEO is built on high-quality, informative content.

If you’re writing a detailed piece on a topic, you’re going to include a lot of relevant and related keywords. Making sure that keywords are totally optimized to meet your goals can provide a big boost to your Search engine optimization.

2. Off-page SEO
Off-page SEO refers to everything you do outside of your site to higher up in Google’s SERPs. Off-Page SEO refers to all of the activities that you and others do away from your website to rank up a page with search engines.
Your website can get quality backlinks through link building and commenting on other sites, sharing your content on social media and posting your articles as guest post to other websites.
3. Technical SEO
Technical SEO is related to on-page but has to do with things that go on behind the scenes. Technical SEO is all about the quality of the usability and infrastructure of your website.
Technical SEO includes optimizing images, using a secure HTTPS connection, caching information to speed load times, updating detailed sitemaps, and other technical factors can help your SEO.
If your site is fast and easy then need to make sure that it’s easy for Google’s crawlers to get around you. Technical SEO is largely to help Google bots crawl successfully, interpret and index all the pages of your website for future use.
4. White Hat SEO
White hat SEO is takes longer, but it implements the right tactics that will pay you for years to come. Refers to optimization all the techniques by Google’s Search Engine Guidelines.
You need to be patient to see results, they are sustainable and create genuine goodwill around your brand. There is no risk of your site getting banned or bumped down in the search results if there is a new algorithm change.
White Hat SEO is low-risk and has high rewards if you do it right way. White Hat SEO techniques include authoring useful and relevant content after doing keyword research, earning links from high-authority sites based on your on-page content, etc.
5. Black Hat SEO
Black hat SEO is like buying links, duplicating content, and stuffing keywords. Black Hat SEO work in the short-term, this is not working for the long-term.
You will see a boost in traffic until Google figures you out and blacklists your website for good. Black-hat SEO is the opposite of white-hat SEO. It finds and takes advantage of any loopholes or weaknesses in the algorithm of Google’s search to rank better on its SERP.
Black Hat SEO can get your site blacklisted or its rankings to drop.
6. Grey-Hat SEO
Gray Hat SEO is riskier than White Hat SEO, but one that may or may not result in your site being banned from search engines and their affiliate sites. Gray Hat SEO practices in neither the Black Hat nor White Hat category because the terms of service regarding theire issue are unclear.
Before you use Grey Hat SEO, you need a proper understanding of Gray Hat SEO is important. It can improve your site’s ranking without negative results, or you can be lost your website traffic. Grey-hat SEO is used by SEO agencies for quick search results from a client and falls in between white and black hat SEO.
Although Google’s webmaster guidelines not explicitly says such methods (Grey Hat SEO) are forbidden or banned.

Advantages of SEO

Disadvantages of SEO

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