DevOps Service

Maximize your operational efficiency with Technocomet Solutions  DevOps Service. Our strategies enhance automation, streamline processes, and ensure your business excels in the digital landscape.

Table of Contents

What is the DevOps?

The phrase “DevOps” was created by combining the words “Development” and “Operations.”
DevOps is a philosophy that supports better communication and cooperation across these teams and others inside a business
DevOps is a methodology for improving work across the software development lifecycle.
This enables a single team to manage the whole application lifetime, from development through testing, deployment, and operations.
DevOps supports you in filling the gap between software developers, quality assurance (QA) engineers, and system administrators.

What is DevOps lifecycle & how does it work?

The DevOps lifecycle is a collection of automated development processes or workflows that occur inside an iterative development lifecycle.
DevOps is largely used in the creation of applications for e-commerce websites, cloud-native apps, and other big distributed platforms. It is made up of several parts that form the DevOps lifecycle.
Let’s briefly overview how the DevOps lifecycle works at every stage.

1. Continuous Plan

The Agile technique is used by DevOps to plan development. Teams establish business requirements and get end-user input at this level. They develop a project roadmap, which aids in arranging work and planning properly to boost productivity.

2. Continuous Code

The development teams use tools and plugins such as Git to optimize the development process, which ensures developing code for business, tracking changes, identifying the cause of differences between the real and expected output, and, if required, reverting to the original code generated.

3. Continuous Build

When a developer completes a task, they save their code to a shared code repository. The improvements are then reviewed by another developer. If the build or any of the tests fails, the pull-request fails, and the developer is told to fix the problem.

4. Continuous Test

Once the application has been deployed to the test environment, a series of human and automated tests are run. Manual testing can be normal User Acceptance Testing (UAT), in which individuals use the application as the customer would to indicate any bugs or modifications that should be addressed before releasing it into production.

5. Continuous Release

At this stage, each code modification is exposed to a set of both manual and automated testing. Once the build passes all tests, the operations team schedules or deploys multiple releases to production, depending on the needs of the company.

6. Continuous Deploy

Many systems can support the scheduler for automatic deployment. If an issue is detected with the new build, just notify the hosting service to redirect requests to the old environment while you work on a solution.

7. Continuous Operate

Customers can use the release right now. The operations team is currently hard at work, ensuring that everything is in working order. The operations team collaborates with developers to build a monitoring strategy that meets both IT and business needs. 

8. Continuous Monitor

Any danger of failure is identified by continuous monitoring. It helps in correctly monitoring the system's health, performance, and errors, among other things. Monitoring gets easier with services that allow log data to be monitored using a variety of third-party tools, such as Splunk. 

Advantages of DevOps

Disadvantages of DevOps

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