Flutter App Development

Merging cutting-edge technology with seamless functionality, our Flutter app development services redefine user experiences with precision and innovation.

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What is the Flutter?

Flutter is Google’s free and open-source UI framework for creating native mobile applications.
Flutter is created by Google and released in May 2017.
Flutter is the newest framework to make a splash in the world of mobile app development.
Developers building mobile applications with the Flutter framework will do so using a programming language called Dart. With a syntax like JavaScript, Dart is a typed object programming language that focuses on front-end development.
This means that you can use one programming language and one codebase to create two different apps (for iOS and Android).
Dart was created by Google in October 2011, but it has improved a lot over these past years.
If you know a bit of programming, Dart is a typed object programming language. You can compare Dart’s syntax to JavaScript.

Why you should learn Flutter App Development?

1. Simple to learn and develop

Flutter is a modern framework, and you can feel it! It’s way simpler to create mobile applications with it. If you have used Java, Swift, or React Native, you’ll notice how Flutter is different.
I personally never liked mobile application development before I started using Flutter

2. Uses Dart Programming

Flutter provides a widget based UI library, which is a set of UI elements (text boxes, image blocks, buttons, etc) that are used to create and personalize the application as needed. Think of Flutter as the front-end UI you use to develop the app, and Dart as the backend code that is automatically generated.
Dart’s internal rendering engine (called Skia engine) also compiles native code without the need of any additional software. This gives Flutter its hot-reload feature*,* which means changes are reflected to the front-end as soon as the code is saved.

3. Ideal for MVPs

MVP, or a Minimal Viable Product, is a minimal version of the final app. It is usually built to run beta tests through focus groups and to pitch the product to investors.

4. Available on different IDEs

An IDE, or Integrated Development Environment, is software that provides the tools needed for application development.
Tools like a source code editor, debugger, compiler, interpreter, etc, are integrated onto a single program, the IDE, to simplify the process of software development.
The advantage of learning Flutter is that it has extensions for different IDEs, like Android Studio and Visual Studio (VS) Code, the two most popular code editors.

5. A growing Community

Google continually invests in improving Flutter and Dart. They recently released the Fuchsia programming language policy which stated Dart is one of the primary languages to build apps for the OS.
There are constant on-going Flutter events that bring the community together, helping developers grow and solve problems.

6. A Good Documentation

It’s important for new technology to have good documentation. But it’s not always the case that it has it!
You can learn a lot from Flutter’s documentation, and everything is very detailed with easy examples for basic use cases.

Advantages of Flutter

Disadvantages of Flutter

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