Laravel Development Company

Unlock the full potential of your web projects with Technocomet Solutions, a premier Laravel development company delivering cutting-edge solutions.
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What is the Laravel?

PHP is the oldest and most popular web development language, and Laravel is its most popular framework.
If you don’t know about PHP and What is PHP then click here and learn about PHP.
Laravel was created by Taylor Otwell.
Laravel is an open-source PHP framework, which is strong and easy to understand.
Laravel is a powerful MVC (Model-View-Controller) PHP framework. This is designed for developers who need a simple and simple toolkit to create full-featured web applications.
Laravel offers a rich set of functionalities which incorporates the basic features of PHP frameworks like CodeIgniter, Yii and other programming languages like Ruby on Rails.
Laravel includes strong database capabilities, including Eloquent (ORM) and included methods to create migration and seeders from database.
Laravel’s first stable version was released in June 2011.

How Does Laravel Work?

Laravel uses a design pattern called MVC (Model-View-Controller).
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1. Model

Model refers to the format of the data on which your app operates. If you have a list of users, each with a list of posts they have made, it’s yours.
For Example, If you have a table of users, with a list of posts they have made, that is a model.
Model is used to handle the business logic in any MVC framework based application
Models are created in the app directory.
A Model is basically a way for querying data to and from the table in the database. Laravel uses Eloquent ORM (Object Relational Mapping) to do that.

2. View

The View is data that is going to be displayed to the user on their browser and the user can interact with it.
Views are located in the resources folder, and its path is ‘resources/views’.
Laravel used a powerful templating engine called Blade.
The extension for this file used here is filename.blade.php. This file allows us to write plain PHP in the view file.
The main advantage of using Blade Templating Engine is that it provides inheritance.

3. Controller

Laravel controllers are an essential feature in a Laravel framework.
A Controller is used to handle the requests coming from the Routes.
Controllers are stored in the ‘app/Http/Controllers’ directory.
It receives the incoming HTTP requests and processes then communicates with models and views, then returns the results back to the web browser.
Controllers can handle requests within a single class.

History of Laravel's

laravel provide a more advanced alternative to the CodeIgniter framework, which did not provide certain features such as built-in support for user authentication and authorization.

Laravel’s first beta release was on June 9, 2011. laravel 1 release later in the same month.

Laravel 1 included built-in support for authentication, localization, models, views, sessions, routing, and other mechanisms, but it lacked support for controllers, which prevented it from being a true MVC framework.

VersionRelease DatePHP Version
11January 2024
10February 7, 2023≥ 8.0 and ≤ 8.1[19]
9February 8, 2022[19]≥ 8.0 and ≤ 8.1[19]
8September 8, 2020≥ 7.3 and ≤ 8.1[19]
7March 3, 2020[20]≥ 7.2 and ≤ 8.0[19]
6 LTSSeptember 3, 2019≥ 7.2 and ≤ 8.0[19]
5.8February 26, 2019≥ 7.1.3
5.7September 4, 2018≥ 7.1.3
5.6February 7, 2018≥ 7.1.3
5.5 LTSAugust 30, 2017≥ 7.0.0
5.4January 24, 2017≥ 5.6.4
5.3August 23, 2016≥ 5.6.4
5.2December 21, 2015≥ 5.5.9
5.1 LTSJune 9, 2015≥ 5.5.9
5February 4, 2015≥ 5.4.0
4.2June 1, 2014≥ 5.4.0
4.1December 12, 2013≥ 5.3.0
4May 28, 2013≥ 5.3.0
3.2May 22, 2012
3.1March 27, 2012
3February 22, 2012
2September 2011
1June 2011

Features of Laravel

Laravel development services are one of the most extensively used web development nowadays.
Following are the features of Laravel:
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1. Template Engine

Laravel’s framework uses built-in lightweight templates, which can be used to create wonderful layouts using dynamic content seeding. Laravel’s uses a powerful template engine called Blade.

Template engine which allows the developers to create a dynamic website. Laravel’s offers many widgets integrating JS and CSS code.

Blade enables a developer to simply use plain PHP code in views and can also combine one or more templates with data models to get views.
Blade enables a developer to simply use plain PHP code in views and can also combine one or more templates with data models to get views.

2. MVC architecture support

Laravel supports MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture.
It provides a faster development process as MVC. For Example, one developer can work on the view while another is working on the controller to create the business logic for the web application.
The in-built MVC architecture also increases the security and scalability of the applications, enabling a smooth run and performance.
Managing data, providing a suitable User Interface (UI) , and taking action are the primary functions of the structure.

3. Artisan

The command-line interface (CLI) that is introduced by Laravel is known as Artisan.
This artisans can also be used to create the skeleton code, database structure, and their migration, so it makes it easy to manage the database of the system.
Artisan helps developers create their own commands and use them as required. Artisan also allows you to use task automation commands.

4. Security

Application security is the most important factor in web application development. Laravel’s provides a highly secure framework that offers safety against different threats.

Laravel’s uses the “Bcrypt Hashing Algorithm” to generate the password then means the password is saved as an encrypted password in a database, not in the form of a plain text.

Laravel’s uses CSRF tokens to be sure of no third-party security breaches.
Even though Laravel’s uses such strict security measures, Laravel’s allows users to make necessary changes to the code of already-built-in security packages.

5. Secure Migration System

Application security is the most important factor in web application development. laravel provides a highly secure framework that offers safety against different threats.

Laravel uses the “Bcrypt Hashing Algorithm” to generate the password then means the password is saved as an encrypted password in a database, not in the form of a plain text.

Laravel uses CSRF tokens to be sure of no third-party security breaches.
Even though Laravel’s uses such strict security measures, Laravel’s allows users to make necessary changes into the code of already built-in security packages.

6. Unit-testing

Web app testing is a crucial part of any Product Development Life Cycle. laravel is competent in running multiple unit tests, For ensurethat all new modifications are executed properly without effecting the code.

Laravel supports PHP unit and automation testing.
PHP unit testing allows developers to write and perform unit tests. The Automation testing process includes conducting a feasibility analysis for test automation, selecting appropriate tools, evaluating relevant frameworks, developing a proof of concept, and finally developing and executing test scripts.

6. Authentication

Authentication is the most important part of a web application, and developers need to spend a lot of time writing the authentication code.
Laravel has an inbuilt authentication system, you only need to configure models, views, and controllers

The authentication library is one such rich feature that comprises Bcrypt hashing, login, CSRF protection, monitoring active users, and password reset functionalities. which is executed with a single command. Hence, with Laravel’s development, you can control user authentication as well as role-based access control.

7. Modular and Library

Laravel has in-built Object-Oriented libraries that are not accessible in any other PHP frameworks.
Laravel comes with pre-installed Object-Oriented and Modular libraries which are not available in any other PHP frameworks.
Larval’s One of the most popular libraries is an authentication library that contains some useful features like password reset, monitoring active users, Bcrypt hashing, and CSRF (Cross-site Request Forgery) protection.

8. Object Relational Mapping (ORM)

Laravel offers Object Relational Mapping (ORM) which is quicker and smoother compared to any other PHP framework.
ORM allows the PHP developer to solve queries related to databases with its simple and expressive syntax very easily and effortlessly. ORM is faster than other PHP frameworks.

Advantages of Laravel

Disadvantages of Laravel

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